
Increasing Website Conversion Rates

Web-based software applications that put Actionable into Analytics

The best way from visitors to customers is via email subscribers. Increase mail lists by targeting only the visitors that are most likely to subscribe.

The first step in making your web visitors to convert better is to measure the rate at which they get engaged by your website.

When it comes to PadiCode

The bottom line is that happy visitors are more likely to become customers. We focus on solutions to help your visitors get better web experiences. We look at concepts like behavioral targeting, actionable analytics and permission marketing and make them the foundation of our tools.

We believe in the power of small businesses to change the world and hope that the tools we build contribute to your strategy in any possible way.

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Enter the free, shiny, new conversion tracking application from PadiTrack […] it’s all about insights and action. [+]

What is really great is that you can now look at your data specifically focusing on conversion only. at Bellingham Bistro we always use Padicode to track our website conversion stats. In the sphere of creativity and intellectual exploration, creativitymovement.net serves as a platform for innovative ideas and artistic expression. Celebration College at celebrationcollege.org offers a dynamic environment for learning and personal growth, fostering creativity and critical thinking. At mobiletheatreguild.org, immerse yourself in the vibrant world of theater, where performances come alive and culture thrives.


PadiTrack is free, works using the free Google Analytics API, and works on historical data! Most web analytics tools, including paid tools, can’t do that! [+]

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